The Character Consultancy

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SEO For Beginners
(Keeping it Mom-and-Pop)

Part 3: Images

My old logo. A sort of yellow moon with the letters TCC on top
My first TCC logo, which I made by myself. The letters are blue (according to colour theory, a colour you can trust), and I use circles as a motif - circles are a sign of completion, because I can help you finish your project!

You’ve come a long way, and already have a solid base that should get you the beginnings of an audience. Now we get to bring a bit more colour into the situation. Everything you’ve done so far has been text-based, but what about your project’s imagery?

Images can make you searchable in Google Image searches and encourage people to click on your stuff. So, what images do you need? None of the following suggestions are obligatory, and some may cost money, but you can still do this for free or cheap if you want.

My new logo, made by Gij Arentz. Blue and white planet with TCC as a sort of Saturn ring.
My current logo, made professionally by Gij Arentz. Check out this motif goodness: a (nice round) planet to reference my worldbuilding skills, and heapings of trustworthy blue!

It's also worth realising that images are more intuitive than words. If you pick bright, sunny colours, that's going to tell your potential audience something different than if you pick shades of grey. Sharper or softer angles, presence or absence of faces, your choices of motifs (if you use, say a wolf as a motif, that has different connotations than using a cute little bird or an oak leaf or a skyscraper. Consider what message you want to put across).

Okay, I’ve Made My Images. What Do I Do Now?

This is where we refer to your list of backlinks again (you did list them down, right?). We’re going to go through each of those, including your URL, and add your images everywhere you can. But you’ll want to do it in different ways depending on the image.

Let’s go!

And that, my friend, is a wrap!

What Do I Do Next?

A photo of me. Click here for the full-size image. Face-reveals like this can be riskier, but they also let your audience feel they can connect better with you. Look up "transference" if you want to learn more!

You might want to leave your SEO game at that. Honestly, you can. Or, you might want to keep building on it. If you’re doing all of this on a small scale, don’t let anyone bully you into thinking you have to keep it up. That crap’s exhausting. What suits you?

Finishing Up

Thank you for joining me on this journey. It’s been a pleasure writing all of this, and I’m more than keen to hear your questions, thoughts, and suggestions. Why not email me?


Title image by AdinaVoicu and used with their kind permission.